Yesterday (30th August 2009), it was a boring sunday.. as usual i stay at home...suddenly my phone rang...haha..it was my nephew (Boon Kai)... then he ask me whether wanna go to Kek Lok Si Temple...coz (Chin Li, which is my niece just came back from UK) also will be going..then i was really happy haha dont need to stay at home d... somemore so long didnt meet my niece d... then i go find my nephew which is downstairs my block only.. then we depart from our house at 2:30pm.. we reach there around 3pm.. and wait for Chin Li... we wait...n wait... n wait...wait until 4pm.. haha we joke around that Chin Li still not use to Malaysia time yet still using UK time.... so late also didnt reach yet.. finally we saw her n her brother... then we walk around.... and take pic....(will post up later)... then we sit the cable to the top the Guan Yin Pu Sha there.. it was the 1st time i went.. it was really nice.. coz last time when i went up still not yet finish built... haha.. we take alot of funny posted pic there... the enbironment was so nice.... feel great... i enjoy really much.......... haha.... after that we went for dinner together n went back to CYChoy n play games together.... then only we went home... what a tiring but enjoyable sunday.. haha...